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ooh, this was really intriguing!!


i really liked how the story was told! in this and beckoning (the other game from you i've played) there's a really cool sense of not knowing where the plot's going until it's too late haha. i loved walking throught the forest helping all the animals, made me feel like i was in a fairytale. and when i left the house and looked at the consequences of helping them my stomach DROPPED with dread. such a cool moment! and the story is really helped by the fact the game's so short and you can't save; it really gave me a sense of "you have to try again" instead of just "you have to load a previous file", if that makes sense. it was really neat!

the way to win was really cool too, i loved how instead of having to figure out what combination of things to do or something like that, you just have to ignore everything lol. it was unique, and fit the story really well with the "finding your sense of reality" angle! took me a few tries to figure it out but it was so satisfying. and while the true ending is a bit confusing, i'm guessing it'll be explained in the other games of the series so it's not a problem (and if it doesn't that's fine, it's still a neat ending!).

i had a few issues with some events; some scripted waits let you move around and it made me get stuck without being able to move the first time i reached the true ending. and in the house, the places where the random objects appear don't let you go through them even if the objects aren't there. but that's about it, i had no real problems with anything else.

(also i didn't know where to put this but i LOVE the cat and wolf drawings, they're so cute-)

overall this was a really intriguing and well made game! and i was left feeling super interested in checking out the rest of the series! :D


thank you for playing and giving such a detailed review!
i'll check for those bugs you mentioned.
the places where Karen can't move are places wehre bodies lie, she just can't see them until she finds her sense of reality. It's not a bug:>
yes, the ending is ambigous, bc i didnt really think it through - i made the game in 2 days because i was bored lol. And also i'm more interested in other people's interpretation and always give them some room for thinking out by themselves.
i'm surprised you liked the "art"😮. I just drew it on a paper with a pencil, then took a photo and edited a little - when i made this game i didnt have a tablet yet. Also is the wolf cute? I always thought he's creepy😅
this story will be explained in future games of the series - i plan to make 4 more:)


ohhh, well if the ending is supposed to be ambiguous then i'm gonna give my own interpretation of it! >:D

i think karen in the past, for whatever reason, murdered those three people in the house we see at the end. since then, to try to detach herself from that event her sense of reality started fading, making her hallucinate the talking animals and replacements of the bodies (maybe she was already going insane before that and that's the reason she murdered those people, in which case this event only amplified her detachment). and she spiralled for so long that she forgot what was it that made her be like this in the first place, causing her to feel like something was missing and sending her on the quest to find that house.

it's probably not the most original interpretation ever haha, but it'll be fun to find out what really happened when i play the other games :>

(and yes the wolf is really cute, sorry lol-)

(2 edits) (+1)

that is actually quite close to what really happened:) Her hallucinations served as protection from reality, so she can see the truth only if she ignores them. But there is much more to that... You will know... If you're planning to play other games😉


hey, i saw this was part of a series and it looks really interesting. what's the order the three games should be played in?

(2 edits) (+1)

these 3 games can be played in any order🖤 But now i'm working on a spin-off for "Pieces", that one should be played after "Pieces". I hope to finish it by the beginning of September(it's for Beregon's Horror Jam). Glad you're interested😁


oh i see, thank you! :D